AUC Philosophica et Historica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica) is a multidisciplinary academic journal focused on the humanities with more than 50 years of tradition.
The journal is indexed in CEEOL, DOAJ, and EBSCO.
AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2011 No 2 (2011), 69–84
Češi a bydlení v roce 2007 v datech z výzkumu Eurequal
Jan Sládek, Zuzana Podaná
published online: 18. 05. 2015
The authors present information focused on housing of the citizens in the Czech Republic. They draw on the data from the international Eurequal project that are representative for the Czech Republic. The theoretical framework is based on the housing classes, a concept that has already been introduced in the Czech Republic. The respondents are divided into groups according to their housing tenure (owner, market/non-market tenant) and their relation to economic situation and housing policy is examined. Furthermore, housing tenure is also examined as one of important factors influencing overall housing satisfaction.
periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0567-8293
E-ISSN: 2464-7055