We are pleased to share that AUC Geographica was awarded an Impact Factor of 0.5 in the 2023 Journal Citation Reports™ released by Clarivate in June 2024. AUC Geographica ranks in Q3 in the field of Geography.
AUC Geographica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica) is a scholar
AUC Geographica also publishes articles that contribute to advances in geographic theory and methodology and address the questions of regional, socio-economic and population policy-making in Czechia.
Periodical twice yearly.
Release dates: June 30, December 31
All articles are licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0), have DOI and are indexed in CrossRef database.
AUC Geographica is covered by the following services: WOS, EBSCO, GeoBibline, SCOPUS, Ulrichsweb and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
The journal has been covered in the SCOPUS database since 1975 – today
The journal has been selected for coverage in Clarivate Analytics products and services. Beginning with V. 52 (1) 2017, this publication will be indexed and abstracted in Emerging Sources Citation Index.
The journal has been indexed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) on the list of scientific journals recommended for authors to publish their articles. ICI World of Journals; Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica.
Journal metrics 2023
Web of Science
Impact factor (JCR®): 0.5
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.20
Rank (JCI): Q3 in Geography
Cite Score: 1.2
Rank (ASJC): Q3 in Geography, Planning and Development; Q3 in General Earth and Planetary Sciences
The journal is archived in Portico.
AUC GEOGRAPHICA, Vol 55 No 2 (2020), 255–268
Geopolitics of geographical urbanonyms: evidence from Ukrainian cities
Olexiy Gnatiuk, Anatoliy Melnychuk
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23361980.2020.19
published online: 03. 11. 2020
This article focuses on geographical urbanonyms in Ukraine – names of streets, squares, lanes, etc. that refer to the names of other geographical objects like cities, regions, countries, or continents. It shows the role of geographical urbanonyms as a powerful instrument used by political regimes to shape political identity by constructing and legitimizing borders between “us” and “them” at different spatial scales. The analysis revealed a significantly higher presence of geographical urbanonyms in Ukraine compared to former state socialist countries in Central Europe. The widespread presence of street names related to the former USSR proves the absence of post-Soviet decolonization in semiotic space, going beyond the pure decommunization, in the majority of Ukrainian cities since 1991. Regional differences in the dynamics, distribution and structure of geographical urbanonyms in Ukraine are explained by the historical, cultural and (geo)political divisions.
keywords: urban toponyms; geographical urbanonyms; geopolitics; Ukraine
Geopolitics of geographical urbanonyms: evidence from Ukrainian cities is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 200 czk
ISSN: 0300-5402
E-ISSN: 2336-1980