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Global horizontal irradiation: spatio-temporal variability on a regional scale in the south of the Pampeana region (Argentina)

María Eugenia Fernández, Jorge Osvaldo Gentili, Ana Casado, Alicia María Campo

published online: 24. 11. 2021


The objective of this work is to analyze the spatio-temporal distribution of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) on a regional scale and its relationship with frequent synoptic situations in the south of the Pampeana region (Argentina). It was verified that the latitudinal pattern of distribution of the GHI is modified in the region by cloud cover, which is in turn determined by the seasonal dynamics of action centers and the passage of fronts in summer and winter. The South America Monsoon System (SAMS) defines differential situations of cloudiness and rainfall in the region, which affect GHI. GHI increased successively between the decades 1981–2010, a factor associated with the variability of rainfall that characterizes the region.

keywords: solar energy; atmospheric pressure; synoptic situations; cloudiness; spatial patterns

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Global horizontal irradiation: spatio-temporal variability on a regional scale in the south of the Pampeana region (Argentina) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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ISSN: 0300-5402
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