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What do trees reveal about the sliding of the lateral moraine of the Belvedere Glacier (western Italian Alps)?

Irene Maria Bollati, Roberto Sergio Azzoni, Anna Tagliaferri, Gianluca Tronti, Manuela Pelfini, Vít Vilímek, Lukáš Brodský

published online: 14. 10. 2024


The debris-covered Belvedere Glacier is an iconic place for investigating glacier dynamics and geomorphological processes typical of high mountain environments. Moreover, being located in an area highly suited to tourism, glacial and geomorphological hazards can evolve into risk scenarios. Particular attention has been paid during this research to the surge-type event that occurred at the beginning of the 21st century, and to the recent sliding of a lateral moraine nearby the chairlift station. Tree sampling was performed (19 trees on the lateral moraine; 10 undisturbed trees), and the results were compared with morphometric measurements on orthophotos of different years. Besides sampling trunks, the six available exposed roots (13 samples) from a tree located along the sliding niche were sampled to identify the exposure time. Morphometric measurements of the touristic trail dislocation indicate a sliding rate of 1.87 m/y – 1.98 m/y (2018–2023), while the regression rate of the sliding niche is 1.70 m/y (2021–2023). The age of trees along the trench is variable (14–49 years), as is the signal of compression wood, enhancing differentially the passage of the surge wave and the subsequent glacier downwasting. The beginning of root exposure occurred between 2017 and 2019, before the effective evidence of large fractures in the ground. Moreover, the roots show traumatic resin ducts in the period between 2020 and 2022, confirming the tree disturbance. In conclusion, the investigated events are recorded differentially in the sampled trees, especially in roots, anticipating the actual commencement of ground failure. A multidisciplinary approach, including remote sensing, field survey, and dendrogeomorphological analysis is essential to define the dynamics of complex systems.

keywords: dendrogeomorphology; paraglacial dynamics; surge-type event; moraine sliding; Belvedere Glacier

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What do trees reveal about the sliding of the lateral moraine of the Belvedere Glacier (western Italian Alps)? is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 200 czk
ISSN: 0300-5402
E-ISSN: 2336-1980
