Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) is an English language multidisciplinary medical journal. Acta Medica publishes reviews, original articles, brief communications, case reports, announcements, and notices. The journal was founded in 1958 under the title “A Collection of Scientific Works of the Charles University’s Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové”. The journal is indexed in Chemical Abstracts, CNKI, DOAJ, EBSCO, Hinari, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Ulrichsweb.

ACTA MEDICA, Vol 67 No 3 (2024), 87–90

Forecasting with Excel

Victor Grech

published online: 18. 02. 2025


Introduction: Time series analysis is used by statisticians to make predictions from time-ordered data. This is crucial for planning for the future. The inclusion of little-known forecasting function in Excel™ has brought this type of analysis within the ability of less mathematically sophisticated individuals, including doctors. There are two main models for time series analysis: ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) and exponential smoothing. This paper will demonstrate how the ubiquitous Excel facilitates a little-known sophisticated forecasting technique that employs the latter and presents a facilitating spreadsheet. Methods: Excel’s FORECAST.ETS function was invoked with supporting macros. Results: A bespoke spreadsheet was created that would prompt for data to be pasted in columns A and B, formatted as a valid date in A and data in B. After error trapping and a horizon date, the FORECAST.ETS function calculates forecasts with 95% CI and a line graph. The FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT was also invoked using a macro to obtain a 95, 96, 97, 98 and 99% confidence intervals table. Discussion: Forecasting is vital in all fields, including the medical field, for innumerable reasons. Statisticians are capable of far more sophisticated time series analyses and techniques and may use multiple techniques that are beyond the competence of ordinary clinicians. However, the sophisticated Excel tool described in this paper allows simple forecasting by anyone with some knowledge of this ubiquitous software. It is hoped that the spreadsheet included with this paper helps to encourage colleagues to engage with this simple-to-use Excel function.

keywords: health services needs and demand; statistics & numerical data; trends; health Workforce; models; statistical; Excel; forecasting; exponential smoothing; holt-winters test

Creative Commons License
Forecasting with Excel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 1211-4286
E-ISSN: 1805-9694
