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Mařatkova gastroenterologie

Mařatkova gastroenterologie

Patofyziologie. Diagnostika. Léčba

[Mařatka’s Gastroenterology. Pathophysiology. Diagnostics. Treatment]

Zavoral, Miroslav (ed.)

subjects: medicine

hardcover, 1. edition
published: november 2021
ISBN: 978-80-246-5002-9
recommended price: 7000 czk



Mařatka’s Gastroenterology, a two-volume set, is conceived of as a gastroenterology and hepatology textbook, a complex encyclopedic book systematically covering all aspects of the discipline. The aim of the scholars was to build on Mařatka’s original and unique publication entitled Practical Gastroenterology, however as the discipline has changed dramatically since the book’s first edition in 1964, the concept and content of the book logically reflects these developments:
• clearer understanding of basic mechanisms of illnesses on the cellular, genetic and molecular levels;
• clearer understanding of the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal and liver illnesses;
• introduction of numerous diagnostic tests and procedures, which often replaced classical methods;
• a combination of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy;
• the pharmacological development of new drugs to treat conditions previously impossible to treat pharmacologically.
New chapters include a current discussion of the intestinal microbiome, probiotics and fecal microbiota transplantation, immunology and new findings in molecular genetics in gastroenterology. Some chapters have significant interdisciplinary overlap as they cover diseases that represent a major challenge for their diagnosis and treatment in the clinical practice. This synoptic monograph features detailed tables and high quality illustrations.

The book also includes an electronic version, which includes:
• the complete text of Mařatka’s Gastroenterology, enhanced by interactive features that allow for text search;
• tools for note-taking and underlining;
• videos presenting diagnostic methods and surgeries;
• test questions to check the knowledge of the studied chapter;
• augmented lists of sources on individual chapters;
• regular revisions of the text and accompanying materials.

We believe that Mařatka’s Gastroenterology will be one of the most important textbooks for the discipline and as such also a useful tool for students of medicine, medical professionals, gastroenterologists and all whose clinical practice includes gastroenterology and hepatology.