„Hledáš-li Boha v lásce...“
Čtyři teologické studie o Josefu Šafaříkovi
[“Should you seek God in love ...”]
e-book, 1. edition
published: april 2020
ISBN: 978-80-246-4434-9
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 110 czk
Josef Šafařík always expected more from an individual than from society and warned against intellectural and ethical conformism and his thoughts are permeated by deep humanism. His interest in figures like Socrates, Jesus, Dorothee Sölle and Hans Küng was based on his personal fondness as well as his effort to understand what true humanity is all about. Although he worked in seclusion and during his life he had few opportunities to publish officially, his views and stances had an effect on Václav Havel, Josef Topol and other prominent figures of the cultural scene. Šafařík’s work challenges readers, confronting them with basic existential questions and even years later it has not ceased to provide inspiration.