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Nová infinitní matematika: II. Nová teorie množin a polomnožin

Nová infinitní matematika: II. Nová teorie množin a polomnožin

[New infinite mathematics: 2. A new theory of sets and subsets]

Vopěnka, Petr

subjects: mathematics and statistics

paperback, 90 pp., 1. edition
published: january 2016
ISBN: 978-80-246-2986-5
recommended price: 120 czk



Infinite mathematics does not end with the non-existence of a set of all natural numbers. As a number of new valuable impulses come from the real world, mathematics does not have to seek them in the mythical absolute infinity. In the natural real world, infinity is present in its raw form in the indefiniteness and vagueness of phenomena in general. For that matter, if information from infinite mathematics is applicable at all, then it is applicable to these phenomena. In an idealized form, these phenomena of the natural real world can be enshrined in the ancient geometrical world as was the case during the early stages of the idealized phenomena of shape and size.

In this volume, the mathematician presents a detailed analysis of two different types of these phenomena.