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Revoluce pro život

Revoluce pro život

Filosofie nového protestu

[Revolution for Life. The philosophy of new protest ]

von Redecker, Eva

subjects: gender studies, philosophy, political science and international relations
series: Politeia

e-book, 1. edition
translation: Profant, Martin
published: march 2024
ISBN: 978-80-246-5639-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 220 czk



Protest movements such as Black Lives Matter, Fridays for Future and NiUnaMenos are fighting against racism, the climate catastrophe and violence against women. Even though the expressions of their resistance differ in their form, all in their essence are fighting against capitalism, which in the name of profit and property is changing living nature into dead matter, while manifesting itself through authoritarian tendencies, racially motivated acts and climate change. Philosopher Eva von Redecker (*1982) develops her critique of this, arguing from the position of Berlin Critical Theory while also making unusually painstaking use of metaphors and references to antique philosophy. In current forms of protest she discerns the beginning of a pro-life revolution which promises a new form of our fundamental activities based on solidarity: care-taking instead of dominating, regeneration instead of exploitation, participation instead of valorisation.

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