Princip solidarity ve financování služeb sociální péče
[The principle of solidarity in financing social care services]
social work, economics and finance
e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2018
ISBN: 978-80-246-3736-5
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 130 czk
This book focuses on adjusting public solidarity and the role of voluntary formalized solidarity in the system of social services for senior and handicapped citizens. This theme is covered in the system of the social protection of the citizens of the Czech Republic, or more specifically the system of social aid, and its topicality is due to the demographic prognoses, changes in the structure and functioning of modern families, the scope of responsibilities of social states in relation to their economies as well as the efficiency of public services and non-governmental organizations.
This monograph presents a proposal of measures for adjusting public solidarity in social services (more specifically in social care services) in the Czech Republic based on analyses of current best practices. Subsequently, it defines options for self-financing of voluntary formalized solidarity of non-governmental non-profit organizations in the system of social care based on examples of best practices in financing and fundraising.