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Sedm tváří translatologie

Sedm tváří translatologie

Teorie překladu a tlumočení prizmatem současných španělských translatologů

[Seven Facets of Translation Studies. The Theory of Translation and Interpreting as Viewed by Contemporary Spanish Translators]

Mračková Vavroušová, Petra (ed.)

subjects: linguistics, literary criticism, Latin American studies

e-book, 1. edition
published: november 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2740-3
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 130 czk



This publication presents the current themes in translation studies on the Iberian Peninsula as they may be methodologically inspiring for Czech readers: e.g., the role of interpreters in colonial times, the translation work of Spanish missionaries or censorship in drama translation. The selected papers are supplemented with short author profiles (Julio-César Santoyo, Miguel Ángel Vega, Fernando Navarro Domínguez, Antonio Bueno García, Manuel Ramiro Valderrama, Raquel Merino Álvarez).