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New Labour, Británie a svět

New Labour, Británie a svět

Ideový rámec britské zahraniční politiky za vlády Tonyho Blaira a Gordona Browna

[New Labour, Britain and the World]

Váška, Jan

subjects: political science and international relations

paperback, 310 pp., 1. edition
published: january 2018
ISBN: 978-80-246-3744-0
recommended price: 370 czk



On which ideas concerning international identity and the role of Britain, and its relations with Europe and the United States was British foreign policy based during the turbulent era of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown? How did their creators reflect the changing international politics and the distribution of power in the world? How did they perceive the key norms and rules regulating international politics and important themes of the contemporary international agenda? Based on a content and discourse analysis of the prime ministers’ speeches and other key texts, the scholar examines and interprets the transformations of the ideological structure on which the foreign policy of the United Kingdom was based in the New Labour period.