Metodologie a logika výzkumu v hudební pedagogice
[Methodology and the Logic of Research in Musical Pedagogy]
education – pedagogy
e-book, 1. edition
published: november 2017
ISBN: 978-80-246-3628-3
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 150 czk
The textbook, Methodology and the Logic of Research in Musical Pedagogy, is intended for students of music education of all types of studies at faculties of education and doctoral students in the field of music theory and pedagogy with the goal of orienting them in the basic stages of scientific research work and prepare them from a methodological perspective for their final theses focusing on research. The textbook provides interdisciplinary and specific information on a wide range of activities – from study activities (determination of the problem, adoption of techniques for preparing information, theoretical understanding of the topic) through research-oriented organizational activities up to the writing of the final research report from both structural and content standpoints, formal requirements and scientific style. Considerable attention is paid to making use of research methods in specific conditions of music education experience and to the classification of printed and electronic information sources.