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Nádoba plná řeči

Nádoba plná řeči

Člověk, řeč a přirozený svět

Vaňková, Irena

subjects: linguistics, philosophy

e-book, 1. edition
published: november 2014
ISBN: 978-80-246-2739-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 160 czk



This book focuses on the concept of speech. Unlike the concept of language, a system central to structuralism, and text, connected with the linguistic research focusing on communication and pragmatics, the purpose of speech (Saussurean langage) is to accentuate the multi-faceted nature of chiefly human character of this entity: the close relation to the human physical-sensory anchorage and experience, to broad concept of cognitivity, and also to culture, to the linguistic picture of the world. The book is based on the phenomenology-hermeneutic philosophy (Heidegger, Gadamer, Patočka). When connected to the theory and methodology of cognitive linguistics, it shows how speech appears not only in the context of philosophy, linguistics and semiotics, but also in Czech (naive) linguistic picture of the world, for instance in its metaphorical conceptualizations (speech as a river flow, as a thread, etc.), including those present in the folklore and poetry.