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Povinná sociální solidarita

Povinná sociální solidarita

[Mandatory Social Solidarity]

Tomeš, Igor

subjects: social work

e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2019
ISBN: 978-80-246-3938-3
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 200 czk



Contemporary public social policy disrupts the principles of mandatory social solidarity, making non-systematic and economical (cost-saving) steps, which places a segment of population under the threat of social exclusion.
This monograph covers the differences between voluntary and mandatory solidarity and the nature and roles of mandatory social solidarity in European civilization. It analyzes the advantages and risks of mandatory social solidarity. Voluntary solidarity, being the product of the Christian roots of European civilization, includes altruism, philanthropy and humanitarian aid. Mandatory social solidarity led to the recognition of human rights in international conventions as well as in the constitutional convention of the Czech Republic. It is organized by the state, covered from public budgets and includes all forms of social welfare, support, care and services. The scope of mandatory solidarity is determined by inalienable social rights (social doctrine of the state), usually stipulated in ratified international treaties.
This topic is addressed from the historical, theoretical, analytical and practical perspectives, including the definition of the legal framework. The legal framework of social reforms can be critically analyzed. The scholar employed his own experience gained during his work in many expert teams of the International Labor Organization, World Bank and EU, focusing on social reforms in many European and non-European countries. He also worked or cooperated on employment policy, related legislation, the formulation of working conditions, social reform programs, the reform of the funding of healthcare and social insurance, and the reforms of social care and aid.