Vietnam vzdálený i blízký
Potomci Vietnamců v Česku
[Vietnam close by and far away. Children of Vietnamese descent in Czech Republic]
anthropology and ethnography, science – geography
SLON – Studie
e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2024
ISBN: 978-80-246-5668-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 200 czk
The book is based on a narrative analysis of the life biographies of children of Vietnamese descent living in the Czech Republic. It shows that the lives of these young people are played out against the background of a so-called transnational social space that extends between two geographical regions – Vietnam and the Czech Republic. As a consequence of this, they are exposed to a set of social expectations, cultural values and models of human interaction shaped by more than one political, economic and social system. The book also describes how these people, through multiple interconnected social networks and relationships, are transforming cultural practices, interpretations, experiences and identities, and thereby disrupting the idea of a unity of identity, culture and place. Although the work's primary aim is to analyse how children of Vietnamese descent operate against the background of these transnationalized social and cultural contexts, the book does not disregard actual transnational practices themselves, such as visits to the native land, the sending of remittances or the maintenance of contacts with family and acquaintances.