Sport a pohyb v životě seniorů

Sport a pohyb v životě seniorů

[Sport and exercise in the life of senior citizens]

Slepička, PavelMudrák, JiříSlepičková, Irena

subjects: gerontology

e-book, 1. edition
published: june 2016
ISBN: 978-80-246-3120-2
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 140 czk



The focus of this book reflects the generally shared hope that we would reach an advanced age in good physical and mental condition, thriving instead of merely surviving. The scholars examined the fulfillment of this hope through the role of sport and exercise in our lifestyle. They pay attention especially to the social and psychological effects of different forms of physical activities on the mental and social health of senior citizens. The information presented is based on long-term research focusing on the search for connections between the senior citizens’ lifestyles and their physical activities while forming a basis for practical use. Considering the fact that life expectancy is getting longer, the information presented in this book is ever more important for all of us.
This publication is thus useful for anyone interesting in expanding their knowledge of the effects of sport and exercise on their lifestyle and creating conditions for an active lifestyle as a senior citizen.