Základní biochemické dráhy v buňce

Základní biochemické dráhy v buňce

[Basic Biochemical Pathways in Cells]

Skálová, LenkaSzotáková, BarboraNetopilová, MiloslavaWsól, Vladimír

subjects: science – biology

e-book, 4. edition
published: november 2022
ISBN: 978-80-246-2681-9
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 100 czk



The fourth edition of the textbook for students of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Charles University. This textbook complements lectures in general biochemistry. Content: metabolism of carbohydrates, citric acid cycle and respiratory chain, photosynthesis, metabolism of lipids, metabolism of amino acids and nitrogenous substances, metabolism of porphyrins, cell signaling through membrane receptors.