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Skutečný svět demokratické teorie

Skutečný svět demokratické teorie

[The Real World of Democratic Theory]

Shapiro, Ian

subjects: political science and international relations, philosophy
series: Politeia

paperback, 416 pp., 1. edition
translation: Koubek, Jiří
published: may 2012
ISBN: 978-80-246-1999-6
recommended price: 325 czk



Ian Shapiro has been recognized as one of the leaders in contemporary theories on democracy. His works are distinguished by a combination of theoretical erudition and practical involvement in remembering the roots of modern democracy (Locke, Madison) in modern contexts after the end of the cold war, such as the successful democratization development in South Africa or, on the other hand, the questionable Near East. The scholar provides a synoptic analysis of the long-term worldwide political discussion concerning the globalization, international terrorism, security as well as themes such as the formation of public opinion, the potential for the law reform of distribution of wealth. The readable style of the book makes it suitable for well-educated readers who would like to understand contemporary themes of the global public debate.

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