Univerzita jako úřad?
Správní vývoj pražské univerzity od tereziánských reforem do roku 1950 a její písemnosti (s důrazem na období do roku 1850)
[University as an office?]
history, Charles University
e-book, 1. edition
published: june 2020
ISBN: 978-80-246-4428-8
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 200 czk
This monograph focuses on the administration of the Prague university and examines typical university documents, covering the period from mid-19th century to the publication of the university act on May 18, 1950. The scholar examines the development of the treatment of official documents in the process from creation to being deposited in the archive and compares the prescribed norms with what happened in reality. The book also covers university registers and qualification documents, including diplomas, as they are included in the document typology and transformations. The published documents serve as a lens for examining the operation of the university office and the tasks it fulfilled during the period under scrutiny.