Современная дидактика русского языка как второго иностранного

Современная дидактика русского языка как второго иностранного

Языковые средства

[Modern didactics of Russian as a second foreign language]

Rozboudová, LenkaKonečný, Jakub

subjects: language textbooks, linguistics, education – pedagogy

e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2019
ISBN: 978-80-246-4298-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 130 czk



This monograph describes the current state of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Czech language environment. The chapters of the first part of the book are devoted to the description of various aspects of teaching the Russian language in the context of the requirements of the published curricula in the Czech Republic. The second part of the monograph provides an expert explanation of the way of working with the linguistic elements of the Russian language (vocabulary, phonetics, grammar, graphics and spelling) in the environment of Czech elementary and secondary schools.