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Jak vzpomínáme na normalizaci

Jak vzpomínáme na normalizaci

Obrazy normalizační minulosti ve filmu

[How we remember normalization]

Pinkas, Jaroslav

subjects: history – 20th century, education – pedagogy, photography and film
coedition with: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů

paperback, 238 pp., 1. edition
published: february 2021
ISBN: 978-80-246-4831-6
recommended price: 300 czk



Historical memory is one of the more frequently used terms today. It is of course used by the media and politicians. Should schools be mouthpieces for "politically correct memory"? What memories should it reproduce? And should it reproduce any at all? What should its position be in ever increasingly intense cultural wars? This book tries to answer these and many other questions. Or at least to ask the questions. It presents a selection of current approaches to memory studies and their application to the constructivist-oriented teaching of history. The main subject of interest is feature films about the “normalization period,” or rather their reception among viewers. The author analyzed thousands of comments on the portal and attempted to formulate what collective memory looks like in the digital age and what it means for school education.