Mapování dějin
Role dějepisných atlasů ve středoevropském prostoru 1848–1989
[The Mapping of History: The role of historical atlases in the Central European area in 1848–1989]
e-book, 1. edition
published: september 2024
ISBN: 978-80-246-5832-2
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 320 czk
The popularity and production of historical atlases in Europe increased especially from the middle of the 19th century. However, the seemingly neutral works mapping the past often significantly reflected the current political situation and changes of opinion in society, which makes them a valuable historical source. The book focuses on historical atlases in the Central European area in the period of 1848–1989, with an emphasis on Czech and Czechoslovak works that have not previously been examined in detail. The comprehensive analysis of atlas production (including contemporary reflection on the works, their social significance, and ideological misuse) enables the formulation of a basic typology, demonstrates trends in atlas production, reveals unexpected parallels and regional specificities, and provides a new perspective on the development of historical cartography in Central Europe.