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Ekonomie rodiny v proměnách času, institucí a hodnot

Ekonomie rodiny v proměnách času, institucí a hodnot

[The Economics of Families in the Transformation of Times, Institutions and Values]

Mlčoch, Lubomír

subjects: sociology, economics and finance, history

paperback, 194 pp., 1. edition
published: december 2013
ISBN: 978-80-246-2323-8
recommended price: 240 czk



This monograph, The Economics of Families in the Transformation of Times, Institutions and Values, is an extensive study on institutional economics and the Christian social ethics, which offers a complex view of the institution of the family in society. It describes the economics of the family with regards to its long-term disintegration as all of the functions of the family have been gradually relegated to the market. The comparison of different models starts with the model of the family in real socialism, which has already been abandoned, and continues with an examination of family policies in England, the U.S.A., Scandinavia, Germany, France and other European countries. After comparing and evaluating the results achieved by the family policies, the French model emerges as the relatively most acceptable; however even here, as well as everywhere else in the Euro-Atlantic region, there arises a need to address the failures of the systems established to provide security in old age. The study shows that merely replacing having children with capital investments into pension funds without demographic balance does not represent a solution. The resulting crisis in the main flow of family economics leads the author to questions on gnoseology and the bio-ethics of reproduction.