Obavy ze zločinu: mýty a realita
[Fear of crime: myth and reality]
Krulichová, Eva – Buriánek, Jiří a kol.
psychology, sociology
e-book, 1. edition
published: april 2020
ISBN: 978-80-246-4581-0
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 140 czk
The issue of security is a topic that has resonated in the society for a long time and one that deserves our attention. This book focuses on fears of crime and the feeling of security in the Czech Republic. The large amount of data available over the past 20 years has provided the scholars with an opportunity to thoroughly analyze a broad range of the factors related to the feeling of security and fear of crime and to describe the development of both phenomena over time as well as the position of the Czechs in Europe. The book also presents the main theoretical streams that influenced the research in the feeling of security and fear of crime as well as a conceptualization of the feeling of security and fear of crime and the assessment methods in used practice.