Gramatografická a kulturní reflexe češtiny 1533–1672
[Grammarians. Grammatographic and Cultural Reflections over the Czech Language 1533–1672]
e-book, 2. edition
published: april 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2738-0
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 270 czk
The second edition of this book, which presents a comprehensive insight into the works of the oldest grammarians of the Czech language in the 16th and 17th centuries within the context of the traditions which had formed their thinking.
The first chapter traces the rise of grammatography within classical philology. The second chapter presents the authors of Czech grammar books (authors of the Náměšť grammar, Jan Blahoslav, Matouš Benešovský /Philonomus/, Vavřinec Benedikt Nudožerský, Jan Drachovský, Matěj Václav Štajer, Jiří Konstanc and the anonymous compiler of the Prima principia grammar). The third chapter provides analyses of the various grammars, while the last chapter praises Václav Jan Rosa's Čechořečnost (Czech Language) as the synthesis of the previous grammars. Two digressions are also devoted to Jan Caramuel of Lobkowitz and Matouš Benešovský.