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[The Most Graceful of All Gods. Essays]

Koukolík, František

subjects: medicine – neuropsychology

e-book, 1. edition
published: july 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-3027-4
e-book formats epub, PDF, mobi
recommended price: 140 czk



Are we free completely, partially or is our freedom merely imaginary, with every single of our actions being a link in the chain of cause and effect? The question of free will has been engaging theologians, philosophers, psychologists and lawyers for thousands of years. It is not mere play with notions; the solution of the problem of free will has implications for both legal and moral responsibility.
What is love? Is there only a single type of love, are there two or nine kinds of love?
Are all people in the world essentially the same or may people from the far East differ radically from people from the western cultural circles?
Many people distinguish the dimension of being which we call the depth or transcendence. They find it in poetry, philosophy, mathematics, music, nature as well as in religious belief or meditation. Just what is depth, otherwise known as transcendence?
And finally the most difficult question: What is time? Is human time different from physical time?
Questions which not long ago seemed inaccessible to scientific research and solution. The development in social, cognitive and affective neuroscience has proven that they can be grasped in this way.
To what extent? What has contemporary cognition achieved and where is it heading?