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Filologické studie 2014. Canon. Otázky kánonu v literatuře a vzdělávání

Filologické studie 2014. Canon. Otázky kánonu v literatuře a vzdělávání

[Canon. The Question of Canon in Literature and Education]

kolektiv autorů,

subjects: literary criticism

e-book, 1. edition
published: july 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-3015-1
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 110 czk



The third volume of this monographic series published by Charles University’s Faculty of Education strives to address the currently highly topical, yet particularly complicated and ambiguously approached research issue of the "literary canon,” including the school literary canon. If focuses primarily on the method of selecting "canonical texts,” on the people who make the decisions and on the selection criteria as there is a general agreement that the process of setting evaluation criteria is usually based on the social and political needs and so far has remained on an empirical, rather than exact level.