Devět z české hudební alternativy osmdesátých let

Devět z české hudební alternativy osmdesátých let

[Nine from the Czech music alternative scene of the 1980s]

Jonssonová, Pavla

subjects: music, history – 20th century

e-book, 1. edition
published: july 2019
ISBN: 978-80-246-4339-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 180 czk



Pavla Jonssonová’s monograph documents and interprets the main trends in the Czech music alternative scene in the 1980s. It presents activities of the Jazz Section and the prominent figures of a broad spectrum of performers in the parallel music culture of the time. The first-hand insights of a direct participant, interviews and other sources (written documents, recordings and photographs) are all interconnected in an ethnographic exposition which depicts the scene from inside and in a compelling manner reflects the nature of this music movement.