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Jazyk a myšlení

Jazyk a myšlení

[Language and thought]

Imaiová, Mucumi

subjects: philosophy, linguistics
series: Linguistics

e-book, 1. edition
translation: Kanasugi, Petra
published: november 2017
ISBN: 978-80-246-3694-8
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 150 czk



Through language, we are able to both view and think about the world around us. Does this mean that the perception of the reality and thinking of one nation speaking its native tongue differs from perception and thinking of people of other nationalities speaking different languages? Based on the results of many interesting experiments (for instance concerning expressing the location in space in a language which does not include words such as in front of, behind, right of, left of, the influence of language acquisition on children’s thinking and others), the scholar offers an answer to this question from the perspective of cognitive psychology.

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