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Vývoj portugalského jazyka

Vývoj portugalského jazyka

[Development of the Portuguese Language]

Hricsina, Jan

subjects: language textbooks, linguistics

e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2016
ISBN: 978-80-246-2979-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 180 czk



This university textbook, intended for students of Portuguese philology and wider linguistic community, represents the first comprehensive text on the development of the Portuguese language printed in Czech. It aspires to become a basic handbook in all university departments where Portuguese is taught. It aims to present the most recent findings concerning the development of the language. It primarily focuses on periodization and formation, a complex question of the oldest Portuguese texts and the phonological and syntactic morphological development of the language from Vulgar Latin into contemporary Portuguese. The text progresses chronologically through individual stages: Vulgar Latin, old and middle Portuguese, classical Portuguese and modern Portuguese. It also briefly discusses general themes in the studies of romance languages, such as romanization, the characteristics of Vulgar Latin and types of changes in languages.