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Poezie v exilu

Poezie v exilu

Čeští básníci za studené války a západní básnická tradice

[Poetry in Exile]

Hrdlička, Josef

subjects: Czech studies, literary criticism
series: Studia poetica

e-book, 1. edition
published: august 2020
ISBN: 978-80-246-4672-5
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 240 czk



Josef Hrdlička’s book opens the question of what is exile poetry and whether it represents a similarly significant area as love or nature poetry. He examines the complex and volatile exile phenomenon in literary texts from antiquity through the present day and against the background of historical poetry written in exile, focusing on Czech poets who left their country after 1948 and significantly contributed to literature written abroad. Using poetic examples of Ivan Blatný, Milada Součková, Ivan Diviš and Petr Král, he demonstrates the continuity and transformations of the western tradition and imagery of the exile.

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