Malý český člověk a skvělý český národ
Národní identita a postkomunistická transformace společnosti
[The Little Czech and the Great Czech Nation: National identity and the post-communist transformation of society]
anthropology and ethnography
SLON – Studie
e-book, 1. edition
translation: Uherek, Zdeněk
published: november 2024
ISBN: 978-80-246-5913-8
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 250 czk
In this book, Ladislav Holý analyses the specific Czech discourse on national identity and the changing, yet still problematic, relationship between nation and state in the period of the post-communist transformation of society. As well as drawing on literary and historical sources, Holý makes use of the findings of ethnographic field research. He pays special attention to symbolic representations of what it means to be Czech and examines how the concept of Czech identity was reflected in the discussions accompanying the fall of communism and the emergence of a new social order.
The book gives a broader range of Czech readers the opportunity to become acquainted with the research of a leading European anthropologist of Czech origin.