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Digitální obrat v českých humanitních a sociálních vědách

Digitální obrat v českých humanitních a sociálních vědách

[A Digital Revolution in Czech Humanities and Social Sciences]

Hladík, Radim a kol.

subjects: media and communications, library and information science, sociology
series: New Media Studies

e-book, 1. edition
published: december 2022
ISBN: 978-80-246-5393-8
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 290 czk



This collection of multidisciplinary essays documents the innovations that the “digital revolution” brings to the work of Czech researchers in social sciences and humanities. The development of digital technologies does not only transform the society and culture, but also the disciplines that focus on these areas of human coexistence. Some of the essays focus on new digital phenomena and their impact on the range of problems that social sciences and humanities have to address. Chapters with an empirical focus follow a line of explanation, which first present phenomena as defined in a traditional perspective of the discipline and then demonstrate an application of digital processes, which can be used to capture the examined area using data analysis.
The book is accessible also to readers without previous knowledge of programming and specific digital applications, but who would like to become acquainted with methods of examining society and culture using data and computers.

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