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Lingvodidaktické problémy výuky odborného vyjadřování v němčině

Lingvodidaktické problémy výuky odborného vyjadřování v němčině

[Linguistic-Didactic Problems of Technical Language in German]

Hasilová, Helena

subjects: linguistics, education – pedagogy

e-book, 1. edition
published: october 2013
ISBN: 978-80-246-2337-5
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 160 czk



This monograph analyzes and describes the issues concerning the drill of scientific presentations, specifically oral and written presentations given as part of the common background for students of other subject areas during German courses at Czech universities.
In the present day, the main goal of language instruction for university students should focus on preparing and presenting a paper in a seminar or at a conference, defend their opinions in it or in an ensuing discussion and on its basis compose a contribution to a collection. These are the essential conditions for presenting the results of Czech academic institutions abroad, which should thus not sink into oblivion but rather be further developed or even financially supported on the international level. Cultivated, precise and unambiguous language is desirable also for presenting various projects, which are submitted for assessment in written form and which must be orally defended.
These requirements place high demands on the teacher's work as well as that of the students. They must be aware of the fact that students with an average mastery of German grammar as well as basic and specialized vocabulary may not necessarily stylize appropriately and be able to present their work to an audience.