Překlad do nemateřského jazyka

Překlad do nemateřského jazyka

Fakta, otázky, perspektivy

[Translation into non-native languages]

Duběda, TomášMraček, DavidObdržálková, Vanda

subjects: linguistics

e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2023
ISBN: 978-80-246-4258-1
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 200 czk



The tolerated and frequent practice of translating into non-native languages ("non-native translation”) is a phenomenon which has not been extensively described. This collective monograph thus begins with a survey of the views of non-native translation as presented by translation experts and participants in the translation market, its potential and limits. The book focuses on an empirical research which includes forty Czech translators from/into English and French, aiming to characterize the overall quality of translations, typology of errors and specific strategies and techniques used depending on the direction of the translation, the foreign language, the translator’s proficiency and the type of text. The research is complemented by data acquired from translators through questionnaires as well as semi-structured interviews with native speakers of foreign languages experienced in editing texts by non-native translators. The publication thus provides empirical evidence and offers useful findings on the state of the translation market and of various aspects of translations by non-native speakers.