Informační gramotnost jako veřejný zájem, politika a norma

Informační gramotnost jako veřejný zájem, politika a norma

Návod na tvorbu koncepčních dokumentů v oblasti informačního vzdělávání

[Information literacy as public interest, policy and norm]

Dombrovská, Michaela

subjects: library and information science

e-book, 1. edition
published: march 2023
ISBN: 978-80-246-4002-0
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 130 czk



This monograph combines the disciplines of information science, public policy and law within the theme of developing information literacy, or information education based on the systemic theory. Employing the well-founded theory and the theory of framing agendas, it formulates the theoretical projection of the waves of the development of literacy and proposes methodology for creating strategies for the area of information education at different levels and institutions in the Czech Republic.