Edvard Beneš: Politická biografie českého demokrata II
Prezident republiky a vůdce národního odboje (1935–1948)
history – 20th century, biographies and memoirs
e-book, 1. edition
published: january 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2701-4
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 280 czk
The second part of the political biography of Edvard Beneš covers the period from 1935, when this politician, having matured both politically and humanly and possessing a keen sense of orientation in the complex world situation, was appointed president of the Czechoslovak Republic, up to the postwar years, marked by the vain efforts to save democracy. The book takes a chronological look at the Munich crisis, the second Czechoslovak resistance and construction of the postwar republic, which was previous to this publication scattered in a large number of publications, tying it together into a dramatic political story of a personality, who became a both a co-creator and a victim of Czech history.