Korespondence v češtině: příručka pro cizince

Korespondence v češtině: příručka pro cizince

[Correspondence in Czech: A handbook for foreigners]

Bozděchová, Ivana

subjects: language textbooks – Czech

e-book, 1. edition
published: april 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2952-0
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 100 czk



How do we write a letter, how should we understand it and react to it? Which expressions are suitable and common when addressing friends, parents, subordinates, authorities or an employer? Which particular elements should these types of letter contain? The handbook on correspondence in Czech, written for students of Czech as a foreign language, addresses these as well as many other questions. Following a brief theoretical exposition, including the classification of written correspondence, explanation of its social and linguistic principles as well as its historical development (from hand-written and typed letters through emails and text messages), the handbook presents many examples, which also serve as a basis for practical tasks and exercises. Extensive sample material comes from different types of written correspondence, though it prevalently focuses on the most common types, used in both the public and private spheres, and covering a variety of communication areas. The book presents authentic texts, forms and letters. The exercises and tasks cover different levels of language proficiency, which makes this book useful for students of different levels of knowledge, from A1 to C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The handbook on Czech correspondence for students of Czech as a foreign language is the first publication of its kind and as such, it aspires to serving as an inspiration as well as a tool for all students of Czech as a foreign language.