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Panovnická reprezentace v písemné kultuře ve středověku

Panovnická reprezentace v písemné kultuře ve středověku

Sborník prací k životnímu jubileu profesora Ivana Hlaváčka

[Sovereign representation in the written culture of the Middle Ages]

Bláhová, MarieHolá, MladaWoitschová, Klára (ed.)

subjects: history – medieval

e-book, 1. edition
published: october 2021
ISBN: 978-80-246-4851-4
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 320 czk



On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Professor Ivan Hlaváček, 25 Czech and foreign researchers explored different forms of sovereign representation in written documents in the Middle Ages. The first section focused on the examination of everyday life and forms of representation at the royal court, examining specific rulers as well as a broader comparative framework. Another section addressed the perception of the royal majesty using the optics of contemporary or following generations, particularly authors of narrative or educational literature and sermons. The last section included contributions devoted to different areas of sovereign administration and problems of official documents in the Middle Ages.