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Proměny polonistiky

Proměny polonistiky

Tradice a výzvy polonistických studií

[The Transformations of Polish Studies]

Benešová, MichalaRusin Dybalska, RenataZakopalová, Lucie a kol.

subjects: Czech studies, Charles University

paperback, 302 pp., 1. edition
published: february 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2732-8
recommended price: 360 czk



This collective monograph titled The Transformations of Polish Studies. The Traditions and Challenges of Polish Studies commemorates the 90-year history and tradition of university level Polish studies in the Czech Lands. It was first taught at the University of Prague, and then later at a number of other universities (Ostrava, Brno, Olomouc, Pardubice, Opava and others). Recently we have witnessed a transition from the traditional model of philological studies to area-based studies (e.g. Central European Studies). What can this change bring? How has the field of Polish studies progressed? How does the approach to Polish studies differ among university centers in the Czech Republic, but also in the Slovak Republic and in other countries? And what inspiration can Polish studies in other countries, and primarily those in Poland, offer to the Czech programs? The scholars try to find an answer to these and similar questions in five thematic sections: The tradition and perspectives of Polish studies in Prague, Current trends in literary Polish studies, Current trends in linguistic Polish studies, The methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language in the past and today, and The tradition and perspectives of Polish studies in Central Europe.