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Psychóza a spiritualita

Psychóza a spiritualita

Vybrané aspekty vzájemného vztahu

[Psychosis and spirituality. Selected aspects of their mutual relationship]

Bartůšková, Ludmila

subjects: religion, medicine – psychiatry

e-book, 1. edition
published: june 2022
ISBN: 978-80-246-5078-4
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 140 czk



Recently it has been possible to observe increasing interest in research into religiosity and spirituality; at the same time also schizophrenia is the subject of much research. Both of these worlds, that is religiosity and spirituality on the one hand, and the world of patients with schizophrenia on the other, are in a certain sense incomprehensible and unique, which makes them all the more interesting and fascinating. Research into patients with schizophrenia shows that the topic of spirituality, until recently neglected by experts, can be often very important for treatment and the lives of patients, is often quite significantly a part of their life stories and sometimes holds an important key to revealing the meaning of events.
This book can be useful for anyone who is helping persons with schizophrenia – in particular doctors, psychologists, therapists, social workers and pastoral assistants.