

Příručka k povinnému předmětu bakalářského studia oboru ČJL

[Morphology. A Handbook for the Mandatory Subject of the Bachelor Level Czech Language and Literature Programme]

Adam, Robert

e-book, 1. edition
published: january 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2800-4
e-book formats PDF


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This handbook, Morphology, presents a relatively comprehensive description of the functional morphology of contemporary (mainly standard) Czech. Formal morphology is covered only on a general level, without presenting paradigms of inflected types and descriptions of inflection irregularities. As concerns morphological categories, it favours a more formal approach as opposed to a semantic one. To a considerable extent, it is based on the common concept of the morphology of Czech as it is explained in available grammar books and compendia (Mluvnice češtiny 2 [Czech Grammar 2], Encyklopedický slovník češtiny [Encyclopaedia of Czech], Příruční mluvnice češtiny [Handbook of Czech Grammar] and Čeština – řeč a jazyk [Czech – the Speech and Language]).

This handbook is a university course book; it is intended for the students of the mandatory morphology class which is included in the bachelor level Czech language and literature programme at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
