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Naléhavé situace na operačním sále

Naléhavé situace na operačním sále

aneb Co dělat, když...

[Urgent situations in the operating room]

Vymazal, Tomáš a kol.

subjects: medicine

paperback, 196 pp., 1. edition
published: august 2018
ISBN: 978-80-246-3901-7
recommended price: 275 czk



Contemporary medicine worldwide puts emphasis on the safety of the patient as well as the entire healthcare organization – primum non nocere. In acute situations, it is necessary to become quickly oriented in the situation and to find a timely solution. This handbook, aiming to help in these situations, is the first of its kind in the Czech context, while, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon world, "cook-books” of this type are quite common.
The chapters, which are arranged alphabetically, including chapters devoted to pediatric patients, present systematic and concise instructions for handling urgent clinical situations that can arise in the operating room. The informative text provides step by step instructions to manage life-threatening states. The book also contains general information and basic images for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
The text has places where phone numbers and other important information for particular departments can be entered.
The content and form of the publication correspond to similar foreign texts and comply with recommendations of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Czech Society of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine.