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Verba docent, exempla trahunt

Verba docent, exempla trahunt

Učebnice latiny pro samostatné studium na základě latinských citátů, živých slov a rčení

Kalivoda, Jan

subjects: language textbooks

paperback, 142 pp., 1. edition
published: august 2013
ISBN: 978-80-246-1978-1
recommended price: 180 czk



This book is a Latin textbook of a completely different type than those previously offered in the Czech or foreign markets. It does not proceed in the traditional method of concise definitions and enumeration of exceptions followed by an extensive practice of the presented material. On the contrary, it explains the various Latin grammatical phenomena by means of explanations, which are meant to be read continuously, not requiring the memorization of various passages. Each section of text is accompanied by one example of a Latin saying or statement that is known in the cultural history of Europe and often repeated over the centuries. The textbook enables its readers (as it desires to have readers instead of students) to analyze these examples, to be able to master Latin grammar and at the same time completely understand the structure of some of the most famous sentences from the history of Europe in their original language. It also contains a basic Latin-Czech dictionary, a well arranged summary of Latin morphology, a summary of several of the most important phenomena of Latin syntax and an index to the texts used in Latin speech and live sayings. Readers of the publication can thus seek information on individual Latin expressions which they need to translate or make active use of in communications.