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Střední Asie mezi Východem a Západem

Střední Asie mezi Východem a Západem

[Middle Asia between East and West]

Horák, Slavomír

subjects: political science and international relations

paperback, 260 pp., 1. edition
published: february 2005
ISBN: 80-246-0906-1
recommended price: 250 czk



The contemporary political situation in the region of Middle Asia is outlined in a clear and readable style. The author introduces the general characteristics of the region such as geography, history and social and religious development. He also describes international relations and influences and finally analyzes the contemporary political systems in the individual states of Middle Asia - Usbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgystan and Tadschikistan. The text is accompanied by tables, selected documents and short biographies of important persons of the Middle Asian politics.