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Teoretické problémy práva na prahu 21. století.

Teoretické problémy práva na prahu 21. století.

Pocta k 75. narozeninám prof. JUDr. Jiřího Boguszaka, DrSc.

[Theoretical Problems of Law at the Turn of the 21st Century. Hommage to the 75th Birthday of Prof. Jiří Boguszak]

Gerloch, Aleš (ed.)

subjects: law

paperback, 238 pp., 1. edition
published: november 2002
ISBN: 80-246-0415-9
recommended price: 220 czk



This book was published on the occasion of an important jubilee of Prof. Jiří Boguszak. It contains twenty contributions dealing with various themes of the theory of law. Authors of the individual contributions come from several generations of colleagues and pupils of Jiří Boguszak.