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Válečné deníky Jana Opočenského

Válečné deníky Jana Opočenského

[The war diaries of Jan Opočenský]

Němeček, JanČechurová, JanaKuklík, JanČechura, Jaroslav

subjects: biographies and memoirs

hardcover, 496 pp., 1. edition
published: december 2001
ISBN: 80-246-0239-3
recommended price: 505 czk



The London diaries of the historian and diplomat Jan Opočenský represent an every-day written description of the period from June 1940 to December 1945. The diaries, in chronological order, give a unique picture of the development and political problems of the Czechoslovak political exile in Great Britain during the World War II. Interesting and often of a unique value are notes about various unfulfilled personal as well as political ambitions of the individual representatives of the Czechoslovak exile resistance.