Když se řekne komunitní práce
Šťastná, JaroslavaCommunity work is closely linked with social work, which has a rich history in the Czech society. Over last decade, the contemporary soci...
published: august 2016
recommended price: 120 czk
Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague
Vágnerová, Marie – Marek, Jakub – Csémy, LadislavFollowing their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the authors of this book turn their attention to an older popul...
Causes, contexts and prospects
published: july 2020
recommended price: 400 czk
Gerontologie pro sociální práci
Ondrušová, Jiřina – Krahulcová, Beáta a kol.This text, offering an overview of aging, is intended for social workers who work with senior citizens in adverse social situations and w...
published: march 2020
recommended price: 430 czk
Cesty k lidem
Macek, Ondřej a kol.Kapitoly z duchovní péče
published: july 2023
recommended price: 530 czk
Bezdomovectví ve středním věku
Vágnerová, Marie – Marek, Jakub – Csémy, LadislavThis book is based on three years of research among the sub-population of middle-aged homeless people in Prague. The text, whose content ...
Příčiny, souvislosti a perspektivy
published: october 2018
recommended price: 360 czk
Bezdomovectví jako alternativní existence mladých lidí
Vágnerová, Marie – Csémy, Ladislav – Marek, JakubUndoubtedly, homelessness is an interesting phenomenon of today. It represents a clear social failure which can be viewed as a syndrome o...
published: may 2013
recommended price: 345 czk