Fenomén Dijon

Fenomén Dijon

Hnilica, Jiří

Jiří Voskovec, Václav Černý, Čestmír Císař, Zdeněk Troška, four generally well-known names, are connected through the French graduation e...

Století českých maturit ve Francii

published: september 2017
recommended price: 450 czk


Faust jako stav zadlužení

Faust jako stav zadlužení

Just, Vladimír

The story of Doctor Faustus represents one of the oldest and most significant European myths, whose topicality has recently been on an in...

Jedenáctkrát o Faustovi, pokaždé jinak

published: january 2024
recommended price: 250 czk




Griffin, Roger

Although dozens of publications on Nazism and fascism are published annually, a book covering the theory of fascism from a diachronic per...

Úvod do komparativních studií fašismu

published: february 2021
recommended price: 250 czk


Fasciculus moralitatis

Fasciculus moralitatis

of Heisterbach, Caesarius

Primarily known as the author of the Dialogus miraculorum—a collection of exemplary stories that won Caesarius his reputation as the mast...

Omelie morales de infantia Saluatoris

published: april 2023
recommended price: 510 czk




Spilková, Jiřina a kol.

This textbook focuses on pharmacognosy, a specific pharmaceutical discipline which studies medicinal drugs and excipients derived from na...

published: october 2023
recommended price: 370 czk
